Kolaiah Productions


Kolaiah Productions, Inc. 4129 South Oak View Street
Visalia, CA 93277
(559) 735-0442

EIN 271869267

By-Laws Amendment for School Purposes
Adopted September 30, 2014

Racially Nondiscriminatory Policy

1. Kolaiah Productions, Inc. shall not racially discriminate toward students, faculty, members, non-members, or anyone who does business with the School of Worship and the School of Music. This includes all races, ethnicities, cultures, lifestyles, or any other class or group of people or persons. Our Lord Jesus loves and accepts all people, who are we to do any different but follow His example in loving and caring for all. This is the statement of Kolaiah Production’s Racially Nondiscriminatory Policy.

2. All brochures, catalogs and other written communications with the public dealing with student admissions, programs, scholarships, etc. shall include a written statement of the agency’s Racially Nondiscriminatory Policy.

3. Kolaiah Productions, Inc. shall publicize its Racially Nondiscriminatory Policy in all advertisements including its website and all related media. During all periods of solicitations of students, student registration periods and other student related activities, Kolaiah Productions, Inc. shall publicize its Racially Nondiscriminatory Policy in all advertisements, written and auditory communications.

4. Kolaiah Productions, Inc. shall create and maintain records indicating the racial composition of the student body, faculty, administrative staff and board of directors. These records shall be kept on the premise for anyone to review.

5. Records shall also be kept documenting that scholarship, financial assistance, awards and all related programs are given on a racially nondiscriminatory basis.

6. Copies of all catalogues, brochures, announcements and any other written communications to the public dealing with student admissions, programs, scholarships, etc. shall be kept on file for public review.

7. Copies of solicitations for contributions shall include the statement of Racially Nondiscriminatory Policy and shall be kept on file.

8. Kolaiah Productions, Inc. shall not discriminate by race, ethnicity, culture, etc. with respect to:
a. Students’ rights or privileges,
b. admissions policies,
c. employment of faculty or administrative staff, board of directors
d. scholarships or other financial assistance,
e. educational policies,
f. use of facilities,
g. athletic programs (such as with related nonprofit agencies, etc.),
h. extracurricular activities,
i. or any program, activity, session, conference, etc. related to Kolaiah Productions, Inc.

9. Kolaiah Productions, Inc. offers a race relations and culture diversity training to any organization or group of people who so desire. The offer and acceptance of this training program is regulated by the same Racially Nondiscriminatory Policy adopted by Kolaiah Productions. Any law enforcement agency, first responders, political group or agency (city, county, state, etc.), government or private businesses, nonprofits, churches, synagogues, etc. would be able to contract with Kolaiah Productions, Inc. to facilitate its race relations and cultural diversity program with no discrimination.

10. Kolaiah Productions, Inc. supports the idea of racially nondiscrimination policies to be included in all agencies, programs, ministries, etc. and is willing to help in any way to support other groups to ensure the equality of all people. Our Lord Jesus Christ set this policy into place when He Himself included people of other races, ideologies, theology, and even no theology in His ministry. In following His example, how can we do anything less?

This Racially Nondiscriminatory Policy is now adopted by the following Board of Directors and is now amended into the By-Laws of Kolaiah Productions, Inc. on this day Tuesday, September 30th of the year of our Lord 2014. The following signatures and seal identify this to be true and accurate.



Harvey Moreno, President



Joe Sanchez, Secretary



Curtis Spencer, Vice-President



Jacob Byus, Treasurer